Bible Verse of the Day:

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Smiles and Screams

Don't you just want to pinch those cute, pudgy cheeks? Here is little Miss Precious all dressed up in frills and pink. Savannah and I believe Miss Brenda has extremely great taste in clothing!!

For as wild and ornery as Lindsay can be at times, she is quite timid and not as adventurous with some things. She has been hesitant about going down the water slide at PV pool even though I told her she could touch. However, today was the day to finally try it and to her surprise it didn't even go that fast.

Now that you've experienced the smiles, it's time to hear the screams. People weren't kidding when they told me boys were a lot different from girls. The louder, the better, with Timothy. And if he can make the girls scream, even more satisfying. Watch his fierce dinosaur chase down its prey.

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