Bible Verse of the Day:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Through the days with the wee ones

Lately I have been asked by lots of people about how homeschooling is going. My easy, general answer is, "It's going really well. Homeschooling Allie is the easy part -- figuring out what to do with the toddlers is another story."

Funny how those that ask me who are also home school moms WITH have toddlers just nod and smile. No further words are necessary! I know they understand, and I know that if there was an easy answer they would share it with me......

On most days, Timothy and Savannah like to color, create with playdoh, enjoy their toys and watch Sesame Street. On the flip side, they also like to irritate one another, fight over really silly things, and ask me 1000 questions per hour.

Allie has been a good sport about being flexible. She has also been a lifesaver on those days I am so far behind with basic housework. It is amazing how much I can get done in 15 minutes while she takes Tim and Savannah on a walk.

I haven't been great at taking pictures lately, but here are some over the past few weeks.

Sesame Street time. How sweet is it to see Tim and Savannah enjoying their juice and curled up in a blanket.

Popcorn is always a favorite snack

Savannah is getting ready for the Chicago Bears game. Her lunch is Phil's concoction - eggs, grapes and green beans.

We don't usually get the Bears game on regional coverage so we follow it on Hooray - the Bears shocked the Steelers a couple weeks ago and Savannah's smile speaks for the rest of the family.

Savannah likes hangin' with Elmo. I am not sure what their conversation was about, but Elmo and Savannah seem to understand each other perfectly.

1 comment:

Moms In Need Of Mercy said...

Well, PBS kids is kind of like a preschool curriculum (wink)...