Bible Verse of the Day:

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another new "pet"

This pet doesn't technically belong to us, but since she built a nest on top of the weedeater on our covered porch, we get to claim her. Yep, Phil propped up his weedeater in the corner and a day or so later we noticed a very well made nest - right on top. The girls would not hear of destroying the nest in order for Phil to use his weedeater, so it looks like the edges of the lawn will suffer this year for a much more noble purpose. The nest is only about 4 feet off the ground and it took "Mama Robin" 3 days to lay 3 eggs. They are a beautiful blue color and she stays very close. When we go to look into the nest she sits about 5 feet away on the branch chirpping at us. From the information we gathered, it looks like the eggs will hatch around the 12-14th. We return from our trip on the 16th and we are hoping to see 3 little new birdies eating food from Mama Robin.

So far ~ three eggs

She's keeping the eggs warm tonight. I was only about 2 feet away and she didn't even flinch.

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